Ten Book Club Questions
1. What are the most memorable or shocking scenes or twists and why?
2. Which character(s) did you find to be the most complex and intriguing and why?
3. In Memories Live Here, if the mother didn’t want her sons to know the truth, why do you think she didn’t destroy her diaries before she died?
4. In Altered Past, what kind of protagonist is Alina and why? Is she a hero or a villain?
5. How do you think learning the truth about family deceptions changes each of the main characters in the first two books?
6. If you read the second or third book without reading the previous book (s) in the series, did the plot / character development hold together satisfactorily, or do you feel you needed more context? How did you feel about the endings? Were they satisfying or did you want more?
7. The CHERL series is listed as a “techno-thriller” but what other genres would each of these stories fit under and why?
8. The CHERL artificial intelligence system is depicted with enormous capabilities. If you had access to CHERL, what great leader from history would you want to see brought back and why?
9. More and more companies are creating the ability to recreate some form of people from our past. If you could use an AI like CHERL in your own personal life, who would you want to converse with and what are you most interested in learning?
10. What excites you most about the opportunities of artificial intelligence? What worries you the most and do you think we’re all prepared?
If you are interested in having Marc join in for your book club discussion, send him a note below.